Meet the Team

We Are Passionate. We Are Committed. We Are Crazy.

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About Us
A group of passionate parents dedicated to continuing a legacy started by Larry Grim (Founder of KSQMRC).

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Our Mission
Serve our members, community, and fire department to the best of our ability by continually improving our organization.

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Our Philosophy
A lot of passion and hard work is a small price to pay for making a child smile.


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Our Members
This is a volunteer organization run by the people.  We have some of the best parents and supporters helping to create memories for young drivers and families to last a lifetime.

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Our Commitment
KSQMRC is committed to being good stewards of our community while growing our young drivers into young adults.

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100% Determined
We are 100% determined to being the voice for our membership and making improvements on their behalf.

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Deliver real results, that’s our goal.

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Aenean tempus fringilla lorem, vitae tempus enim pharetra semper. Ut ultricies ultricies augue, id sollicitudin augue sagittis et. Cras ut sapien adipiscing, euismod orci pulvinar, pulvinar ante. Sed sed accumsan velit, tristique hendrerit ante. Nulla luctus ipsum enim, quis pretium libero tristique nec. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis nec pulvinar justo. Integer pellentesque, nisl non vehicula ultricies, tellus magna luctus diam, gravida rutrum arcu dolor nec ante. Quisque scelerisque mauris ut cursus auctor. Vivamus ac ipsum ut augue volutpat convallis ac id lectus. Etiam a placerat sem. Pellentesque rhon.
Nulla luctus ipsum enim, quis pretium libero tristique nec. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis nec pulvinar justo. Integer pellentesque, nisl non vehicula ultricies, tellus magna luctus diam, gravida rutrum arcu dolor nec ante. Quisque scelerisque mauris ut cursus auctor. Vivamus ac ipsum ut augue volutpat convallis ac id.


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Apply by June 01, 2014
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